Tuesday, October 29, 2013

America's Next Top Issue!

Starring (in no particular order):

1. Pierce and Christie -- Is Milk Good for humans?
2. Eddie and Sam -- Is Alternate Energy a Viable Alternative to Fossil Fuels?
3. Jojo and Carolyn -- Is the use of standardized testing improving education?
4. Zach and Manav -- Should animal testing be legal?
5. Jonathan and Gus -- Should gay marriage be legal?
6. Taylor and Catherine -- Should driving age be raised?
7. Sergio and Peter -- Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?
8. Jackie and Chloe -- Should the drinking age be lowered?
9. Isabel and Selena -- Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?
10. Elise and Abbie -  Are social networking website good for our society?

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