Wednesday, October 30, 2013

America's Next Top Issue!

Selected Debate Topic For Period 2, Even day:  Should drinking age be lowered from 21?

Starring, in no particular order:

1. Kati and Enya -- Should animals be used in scientific or commercial testing?
2. Kate and Gale --Is Milk dangerous to humans?
3. Jake and Luke -- Are video games increasing youth violence?
4. Shamil and Noam -- Are video games increasing youth violence?
5. Fatima and Sydney -- Do standardized tests improve education?
6. Dyllan and Harry -- Are video games increasing youth violence?
7. Rachel and Grace -- Is Milk Dangerous to humans?
8. Jasmine and Caroline -- Should drinking age be lowered from 21?
9. Megan and Caitlin -- Should marijuana be used for medical purposes?

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