Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Should the Drinking Age be Lowered?

Topic Document for Class -- you have only viewing permission. You need to make your own copy so you can edit.  Please share with me and give me editing privileges...

Groups of 2: Please sit together:

Luke -Megan
Grace - Noam
Rachel -- Harry
Fatima - Sydney
Rachel - Jake
Jasmine - Caroline
Artiom -- Caitlin
Kate - Shamil
Dyllan - Kati
Jake - Enya
Gale -- solo

America's Next Top Issue!

Selected Debate Topic For Period 2, Even day:  Should drinking age be lowered from 21?

Starring, in no particular order:

1. Kati and Enya -- Should animals be used in scientific or commercial testing?
2. Kate and Gale --Is Milk dangerous to humans?
3. Jake and Luke -- Are video games increasing youth violence?
4. Shamil and Noam -- Are video games increasing youth violence?
5. Fatima and Sydney -- Do standardized tests improve education?
6. Dyllan and Harry -- Are video games increasing youth violence?
7. Rachel and Grace -- Is Milk Dangerous to humans?
8. Jasmine and Caroline -- Should drinking age be lowered from 21?
9. Megan and Caitlin -- Should marijuana be used for medical purposes?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

America's Next Top Issue!

Starring (in no particular order):

1. Pierce and Christie -- Is Milk Good for humans?
2. Eddie and Sam -- Is Alternate Energy a Viable Alternative to Fossil Fuels?
3. Jojo and Carolyn -- Is the use of standardized testing improving education?
4. Zach and Manav -- Should animal testing be legal?
5. Jonathan and Gus -- Should gay marriage be legal?
6. Taylor and Catherine -- Should driving age be raised?
7. Sergio and Peter -- Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?
8. Jackie and Chloe -- Should the drinking age be lowered?
9. Isabel and Selena -- Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?
10. Elise and Abbie -  Are social networking website good for our society?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Let's help pick the next topic!

I love this website,   It takes issues that have clearly defined sides and tries to objectively provide various points of view in an organized and reliable way.

Here's what I'm going to ask you to do:

In pairs, you are going to do the following:

1. Spend 15  minutes looking at this site, checking out various topics that interest you.

2. Narrow down to 1 issue that you can agree on being a topic that you think this class would enjoy debating. Consider the following when deciding:
    -- Do you think that the majority of people in the class would find this topic interesting and engaging to learn about and debate?
   -- Do you think that the topic can be understood with some background learning? (you don't want to pick an issue that is too challenging, but just right!)
   --Is this issue a topic that would be appropriate to learn about in school? (I honestly think almost any topic is, but just think about this a little. Some issues might be more appropriate to discuss with family or outside of class.)

3. Create a 30 second-1 minute 'infomercial' to try to convince your classmates that this topic is worth debating. Consider creative word choice, ways of persuading students that this issue is worth discussing, and a unique approach to 'selling' them this topic. (Write down your 'infomercial' details so you can share with the class and perform them by the end of class)


Thursday, October 17, 2013

We're Debating Today!

The Plan:  15 minutes to get ducks in a row.  Make sure your group has a clear plan of who is opening, who is owning particular reasons/topics, make sure you have specific evidence to bring into the debate, and make sure you have a person tasked with closing the debate (which may not happen until Day 2 of this debate)

Jurors:  Sam, Jackie, Elise, Selena, Isabel

Thursday, October 10, 2013

More Gun Rights or More Gun Control?

We’re Debating Next Fri 10/18

Today – Finding sources to help find the arguments for the OTHER side of the debate (Pro-Gun Control)

Today’s class:  Choose 1 of these articles and GO TO TOWN…find specific pieces of evidence that counters all that you learned about earlier this week from the Pro Gun Rights argument. WRITE DOWN THE EVIDENCE AND THE SOURCE!

Wed – Getting into groups (1/2 Pro and ½ Con) – will assign openers, leading questioners, closers

Fri -- Debate

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Introducing our next new debate topic: Gun Control

What does the second amendment say?

It reads:  “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”  

The word infringed means “limited”, but this amendment has been interpreted in different ways.  Some focus on the “right of the people” wording and suggest that this means the government cannot put many/any restrictions on a person’s right to have weapon if they so choose. Others focus on the phrase about “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security” suggest that the writers were making sure that volunteer militias like the ones that existed in the late 1700s would have the ability to keep weapons, not individual people. They further argue that since we have a full time army now (not a volunteer militia), this right as not as needed or important as it once was.  

Questions we need to think about as we look into this issue: 

1. Should there be a guaranteed right to bear arms as it is currently states in the Constitution?
2. Is there a need to make more gun laws to make the United States a safer country?
3. What is the role of government in deciding who should have access to guns, how many/what kind of guns people should be able to purchase, and how people should handle/use guns they are in possession of?
4. What are the rights of people who want guns vs the rights of people who do not want guns? And how can they coexist?

Today is going to reading a little background on the topic, but then focusing in small groups what information we actually want to learn about. This will help drive our next class and allow us to get very focused on what material we need to find (I'll do a lot of the digging, but I want to have you tell me what you are looking for).


Here's what the cartoonists are saying about the shutdown...