Friday, November 16, 2012

Period 5 Day 1 Debate Research

Core question: Should the Electoral College be abolished?

Jessica, Sam, Jordan, Max, Erik, Benny
Core background reading. These 3sites give both sides of the argument, and provide statistics, quotes, and other very valuable resources.

You must focus on these three websites exclusively on Day 1 of research:

it’s not flashy, but a pretty basic and clear explanation of both sides of the issue.

This is a website that shows a debate that unfolded about this very issue. It has a solid collection of points for both sides AND importantly, can point to specific evidence/proof of their position.

Core question: Should the death penalty be allowed?
Grace, Shahen, Jeffrey, Kaylie, Tommy, Kyle

Core background reading. These 2 sites give both sides of the argument, and provide statistics, quotes, and other very valuable resources.

You must focus on these two website exclusively on Day 1 of research: This website is intended to give both sides of the issue, provide facts and lots of evidence for why some people support and others oppose this issue.  

Pew Forum. This website does a nice job of showing both sides of the issue, with an emphasis on some of the recent Supreme Court cases that have involved the death penalty.

Core question: Should adults have the right to carry a concealed handgun?
Catherine, Toby, Jamie, Clay, Sabrina, Blake
Core background reading. This sites gives a voice to both sides of the argument, and provides statistics, quotes, and other very valuable resources.
You must focus on these two website exclusively on Day 1 of research: This website is intended to give both sides of the issue, provide facts and lots of evidence for why some people support and others oppose this issue.

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