Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today's Class

Period 2
Goal of today's class. By the end of class have the following accomplished: 

1) Complete Part 1 -- Identify all the major arguments that support your POV.

2) Review the WMS dress code and answer the question about it in your group's GoogleDoc.

3) Split up the arguments so that everyone has 2-3 that they are focusing on while reading additional texts. You may choose to overlap a few key arguments that you think would benefit from multiple eyes.

4) Each individual needs to read at least 2 articles from the list below and take notes. Your options for taking notes: 1) on pieces of lined paper or 2) writing down your notes in the GoogleDoc that your group has started (please put your name in front of your notes so that you, I, and other know who is writing what.  I just ask that you respect what others have written/are writing and that you only edit your own work and leave others alone.

5) If you finish reading your 2 articles and still have time, you have 2 options: 1) read another article from the list I have created or 2) research specific questions/info that you have identified as important.
You must have already read and taken specific notes on the 2 articles explained above before going off on your own...

For Dress Code

Against Dress Code

Links to articles for both Pro/Con

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