Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2016 Presidential Candidates…the Race is On!!!

NYTimes 2016 Presidential Election Overview

Goal for this class.

Step 1: Choose 1 DECLARED candidate for EACH major political party (Democrats and Republicans) to learn a bit more about their candidacy.

Step 2: Select the button that says "What _____________ would need to do to win" and read the strategy that some believe the candidate must take in order to have a real chance at winning their party's primary

Step 3: Record 3 single sentence statements on this Padlet page. Each statement must begin with:
1. (Name of candidate's) biggest strength is...
2. (Name of candidate's) biggest challenge is...
3. I think (Name of candidate's) has a (0-100%) chance of winning the primary to represent their party in the Presidential Election of 2016.

Step 4: If you have time you can look at some of the PROBABLE candidates and complete the same process above. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Last class on 2016 Presidential Candidates!

15 minutes to do 2 things:

1) Finish Fakebook site and post link on Google classroom.
2) Search whether candidate has official (make sure it is official and not someone else's take on an ad) campaign ad that you'd like to share with class. If you find one that you think is compelling, has a story, and would be interesting to watch, post link on Google classroom

Monday, June 1, 2015

2016 Presidential Candidates Profiles

Choose a 2016 Presidential Candidate to create a "Facebook" account.  The rules:  You are trying to 'sell' your candidate by highlighting their positions on issues you think are most important, introducing the key 'biographical' aspects to their life, and making connections to various 'friends' and 'groups' who they find significant to their candidacy.

You need to make sure that you CITE where you are getting your information.
You need to make sure you put information into YOUR OWN WORDS.
You need to make sure you are ACCURATE and CLEAR about the candidate's positions and viewpoints.

Key Background Information
Political Experience

Where he/she stands on the issues
Pick 4-5 issues that you feel are most important to the success and future of the United States. What are their ideas for how to address these issues and why do they think they are the right person to be Chief Executive in charge of solving these problems.

Find several meaningful quotes that capture the ideas and thinking (and personality) of your candidate.