Monday, February 24, 2014

You choose the topic...

Today's class you are going to work together in pairs to learn about a Current Events of your choosing (well, from a list below).  

Step 1:  With your partner, decide what topic you want to explore more deeply. (keep scrolling for options)

Step 2:  Choose an article to read from the list and read. 

Step 3: Complete the Analysis sheet.  (Google doc template. a copy needs to be made and then shared with me)

Step 4: If you have time, choose a second article to read about either the same topic or choose a new topic to explore. (you do not need to complete an analysis sheet for the second article)

Topics to Consider

1. Minimum Wage (the story continues...)

Gap's Minimum Wage Move Adds Twist to Debate

Can you live on the Minimum Wage?

2. Ukraine violence and political upheaval (this was THE story last week)

What is Happening in Ukraine? Understanding Recent Protests in Kiev with 9 Questions

A New Day in Ukraine: Political Uncertainty Sweeps  Divided Nation

3. What is happening in Venezuela (Not making as much news but there has been quite a bit of violence and political upheaval in this South American country over the past 2 weeks as well)

Venezuela: What's the Crisis About? 

Seven Things To Know About Venezuela Crisis

4. Cuts in U.S. Military (Major budget cuts were announced yesterday by the Pentagon that will have major effects on the size and capacity of the U.S. military)

Get real, Hagel tells nation in proposing military cuts

Are Cuts to the Defence Budget Necessary?

5. Arizona's Anti-Gay Law (Arizona's legislature just passed a bill that would make it legal to deny services to people based on religious beliefs. While it does not specifically name gay people as the target, the most frequently cited example is for a business to refuse selling products/services to a person because they are gay and that being against their religious it freedom of religion or denial of equal rights? -- Governor Jan Brewer must now decide whether she will veto this bill.

Arizona lawmakers pass controversial anti-gay bill 

Arizona's Anti-Gay Bill is Shameful (note, this is an opinion piece written in USA Today) 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Debate #1:Are Public Surveillance Cameras a Good Idea?

Are Public Surveillance Cameras a Good Idea?

Let's listen instead of watch: This is from an National Public Radio report last year called: In More Cities, A Camera On Every Corner, Park And Sidewalk

Background information gathering on Public Surveillance Cameras

CNN article published a few weeks after the Boston Marathon bombings, where public surveillance cameras were used to identify the suspects of the bombing -- both pro and con

The Urban Institute -- multiple reports on the use of surveillance cameras in public spaces -- both pro and con

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The First Debate!

Ok, let's debate!!  

The first debate is going to be on something that we can learn about quickly, without much additional knowledge (although there will be a little knowledge building/background reading), that will provide us with a topic to learn some ground rules about debating, and practice some skills for how to debate effectively/persuasively.


You have been split up into 4 groups of 5.  You have been assigned a topic to try to convince the rest of the class to choose as our first debate topic. 

You have 10 minutes to come up with a FROZEN TABLEAU(S).  

A Frozen tableau create a scene and freezes the action while a narrator explains what's happening. The people in the scene must be very intentional about their physical poses, gestures, and facial will convey the characters, action, and significance of a particular moment. The narrator is tasked with providing the background/context of the scene being shown:

In this frozen tableau you must:

  • highlight why this topic is controversial (clearly has at least 2 opposing viewpoints)
  • highlight why it would be fun/interesting/worthwhile to debate this topic
  • highlight what you imagine might be the big issues/questions/positions if we were to debate this topic.
  • make sure everyone plays some sort of part. 
If you need/want more than 1 tableau (scene), you can split it up into multiple scenes. One pro -- One con!

Group #1:  Davis, Julia, Elliot, Dillon, John S
Group #2: Jack B, Kaleigh, Javier, Abel, Mark
Group #3: Mitchell, John K, Emma, Annie
Group #4: Chris, Alec, Tara, Jameson, Sofia

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sochi Olympics 101

5 questions about the Olympics

1. What sport has the most events in the Olympics? (In other words, how many different medal opportunities are there for each sport and which sport has the most events that result in separate Gold medals?)  What sport has the least?
2. How much money has Russia spent on hosting the 2014 Olympics?
3. There are 3 mascots at the 2014 Sochi Olympics…do you know any of them?
4. Who is sending the most athletes to the Olympics?
5. What is so unique about the Gold medals being awarded?

Answer to #1 Most : Tie between
Cross-country skiing (12)
Speed skating (12)

Answer to #1 Least: Tie between 
Curling, Ice Hockey, and Skeleton (2)

Answer to #2:
$50 Billion dollars

Answer to #3:   There are three mascots for these Olympics, as voted by the Russian people: a polar bear, hare, and leopard.

Answers to #4: The United States, with 230 athletes

Answer to #5: Bits of meteorite from February 15, 2013 are being embedded into the Gold medals.

And, now onto the more somber aspects of the games.

CBS News on Sochi Olympics