Thursday, January 23, 2014

Last Class..the party's almost over. It's time to say goodbye!

It's been a true pleasure to work, discuss, and banter with you this semester in Discussing Current Events.

To properly tie up this class, today we will do 3 things:

1)  I would respectfully ask you to complete a survey, providing me with feedback on how you've found this class. What worked, what could be improved. This data will absolutely be read carefully by me and will help me as I further develop this class for the future.  Here is the link:

2) We will munch on some munchkins.

3)  Prediction Time:  On Today's Meet, I'd like for each group to predict 3-4 new stories that are going to be major topics for 2014.  Try to keep at least 3 of them serious in nature, predicting what will be making news in the months to come.  Could be about politics, social issues, healthcare, President Obama, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Gay marriage, Legalization of Marijuana, Winter Olympics…what else?

For the "fun" one, keep it appropriate but feel free to predict something a bit less serious!! Who will win the Academy Award for Best Picture? What will Bieber be arrested for next?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Digging deeper with the Minimum Wage

Today's class is focused on identifying statistics/facts/data that helps to support both sides of this issue.  I am going to recommend a bunch of sites to look at, but you can also seek out sites on your own. Just beware of CARTing the source to make sure it is a strong source to use.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Pew Research Center -- Who makes the minimum wage

Raise the Minimum Wage Organization (supports minimum raise increase) 

National Public Radio

Forbes Magazine 

Forbes -- Why Conservatives Should Oppose the Minimum Wage

The Record Is Clear: Minimum Wage Hikes Destroy Jobs

Monday, January 13, 2014

Minimum Wage Debate

The Minimum Wage 
 What to do? Increase? Keep the Same? What are the consequences? Who wins? Who Loses?  What is the right thing to do? Here are a couple of perspectives!  (Warning: These are clearly each a specific point of view!)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, What's Making News?

Happy New Year, What's Making News?

Part 1: Choose a topic to read about and learn more.  After you read the article, you need to complete a brief analysis sheet on the topic/article.  

Part 2: If you have time, you are tasked with finding a 2nd article about the same topic that provides additional (new) content about the topic you have chosen.  Post link on Edmodo and explain in 3-4 sentences why this 2nd article further helps to learn about the chosen topic.


Topic #1: Update on what is happening in Syria

Article: Syria rebels fight Al Qaeda ally for control of key city

Topic #2: Southern Sudan (The world's newest nation on the edge of a civil war)
Article: Critical South Sudan talks begin in hopes of halting descent 'into collapse'

Topic #3: US Foreign Policy in 2014
Article: Afghanistan and beyond: US foreign policy challenges in 2014


Topic #4: Affordable Health Care Act

Article: Millions Gaining Health Coverage Under Law

Topic #5: Gay Marriage and the Supreme Court

Article: Justices’ Halt to Gay Marriage Leaves Utah Couples in Limbo

Topic #6:  First Female Federal Bank Chairwoman Announced

ArticleSenate confirms Jane Yellen as Fed Chair

Topic #7:  Edward Snowden and the NSA Leaks

Information you will be gathering on your chosen article:

What is the title of the article you are reading?                                                               
When was it written?                                              
Who is the author (s):                                                                                 
Where was it published?                                                                            

In 3-4 sentences, what is this article about? What is the topic, what is the issue(s), what is happening?

Why is this considered a top news story? (Why is it important/significant?)

What questions did this article make you think of? What are you left wondering? Think of at least 2-3, maybe more!!