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Looking a little closer at Gun Rights/Gun Control History: A Timeline
Group #1: Universal Background Checks: Should every person who wants a gun in this country be required to have a background check completed on them? (currently, about 60% of people who buy guns are required to have a background check)
Read First!
Pretty Objective background reading on the issue. Why some are in favor, while others oppose this idea.
Step 2, look at what one state is doing:
What the State of California has for a background check system that some point to as a model for a Federal Universal Background Check.
Step 3, look at the reaction of the NRA on states tightening rules on background checks:
Perspective from National Rifle Association about a Universal Background Check law being debated in the State of Washington this week. Gets at the NRA's view on why background checks, in their opinion, are not effective.
Group #2: You are tasked with learning about what President Obama's reaction has been about gun control and the need for the country to act to reduce gun violence.
Article 1: What are President Obama's proposals for addressing gun violence in this country?
Article 2: What has been the reaction and what are the chances that his ideas will be successful?
Group #3: What do the people of this country think? And whose voices are more often heard?
Group #4: What are the major positions of the Pro Gun Rights groups? Looking at the National Rifle Association.
history of NRA -- brief history of the organization
NRA position on issues -- you can move around this site if you want, but this is a direct link to their positions on the issues.
Group #5: What are the positions of the Pro Gun Control groups? Looking at the Brady Campaign.
History of Brady Campaign, there are several tabs that can help fill in the creation of this group.
Brady Campaign position on issues, you can move around this site if you want, but this is a direct link to their positions on the issues.